Friday, December 28, 2007

Life before 2008

If I were being asked to rank 2007 in 1 out of 10, it will be 7.
I would not rank this a fantastically great year, it is a reasonable good year. I guess it all depend on which area we are looking at, I think.

Life is certainly not a bed of roses where I am now. Life has been crazy lately. I feel like I am rushing with time everyday. Like I need extra 12 hours a day. Work has been crazy and hectic, traffic is madness, bills keep coming in, car service is up again...the list can goes on for hours. Trying to juggle everything at one go isn't easy. Having to deal with work, life, motherhood and all the other stuffs at one go needs better stamina then where my stamina level is now.

Having Renee is definitely the most rewarding thing for me this year. My 2 best moment in a day now is the time I see her at the sitter's place and my sleeping time. It is like she makes the world stops every min I spend with her. All worries fade away. It is strange how looking into her eyes and her little smiley lips just make my lips go wide open too.
She is definitely a magician.

Twain have some business issue to solve himself. Fuel charges went sky high overnight few months back and that has definitely make business a lot harder now. Still trying to do damage control and keeping business transactions in place is the after effect from the unforeseen price change in fuel. He must be exhausted too. He might rank this year only a 5 for him. I will find out.

This definitely is not an easy year end for the household financially. But this is life right? Like it or not, life goes on. However, I would prefer to think of this that we are going thru now as a challenge. I believe God will never give a test to a person unless HE knows they can take up that challenge. Plus one never know what is in front of us, can we? We might be looking at a poor ugly looking dry desert now, but who knows if a nice beautiful waterfall mountain is just another 10km in front awaits us.

One thing for sure, we still feel blessed definitely, the fact that we still have all the important people and things in life at this slightly tougher time: Renee, families, friends... and that God has sent 2 angels all the way here to cheer us up so much during this season.

Farewell 2007; Welcome 2008!!
Celebrate Life as Life is too precious to give up at any point.



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